A film by Fernando GUZZONI, 2022-
Genre: Thriller / Drama
Languages: Spanish
Subtitles: English / French
Format: HD
Sound: 5.1
Duration: 90 min
Countries: Chili, Mexico, Luxembourg, France, Poland
Year: 2022
-An 18-year-old foster home resident, Blanca, becomes the key witness in a scandal involving kids, politicians and rich men taking part in sex parties. But the more questions are asked, the less clear it becomes what is Blanca’s role in the scandal.
-Director: Fernando Guzzoni
Screenplay: Fernando Guzzoni
Image: Benjamín Echazarreta A.C.C
Sound: José Miguel Enríquez Rivaud
Decors: Natalia Geisse
Editing: Soledad Salfate, Jarosław Kamiński PSM
Music: Chloé Thevenin
Cast: Laura Lopez Campbell, Alejandro Goic Jerez, Amparo Noguera, Roberto Farias
Produced by Quijote Films (Chili), co-produced by Varios Lobos & Conejo Media (Mexico), Tarantula Luxembourg, Bonne Pioche (France), Madants (Poland).
Internationales Sales: New Europe Film Sales
-Official Competition Orizzonti
Best screenplay
Busan International Film Festival (Korea)
46th Mostra International de Cinema em São Paulo, International Perspective (Brazil)
Arras Film Festival (France)
Los Cabos Film Festival - Official Competition (Mexico)
Stockholm Film Festival - Official Competition (Sweden)
XIV Festival Internacional de cine de Cali (Colombia)
Cineuropa Santiago de Compostela - Official Competition (Spain)
Huelva Latin American Film Festival - Compétition Officielle (Spain)
- Golden Colon Best Film
- Radio Exterior de España Award
Thessaloniki International Film Festival - Horizons (Greece)
Cairo International Film Festival / Panorama (Egypt)
Mannheim-Heidelberg Film Festival (Germany)
IFFI Goa - World Cinema Section (India)
Habana Film Festival (Cuba)
Kolkata International Film Festival (India)
Black Movie Festival (Switzerland)
Oostende Film Festival (Belgium)
Palm Springs International Film Festival (U.S.A)
-“Guzzoni crafts a suitably glowering and hostile atmosphere for this story, which delves into the very murkiest corners of Chilean society.” Wendy Ide – Screen Daily
“It’s a dark, dark world in Fernando Guzzoni’s well-executed title. And it feels worryingly familiar.” Marta Balaga / CinEuropa
“By creating a character with somewhat complicated nuances, Guzzoni avoids the more simplistic and obvious interpretation, the predictable “denouncement film” and turns it into something morally more gray but nonetheless quite powerful.” Diego Lerer / MICROPSIACINE
“It is done competently, and its character duo is always ready to climb up or down the moral ladder -making the film in turn a valuable experience to watch.” Vassilis Kroustalis / FILM IS A FINE AFFAIR