A film by Abel Ferrara, 2014-
Genre: Biopic, Drame
Languages: Anglais, Italien, Français
Subtitles: xxx
Format: 1:85
Sound: 5.1
Running time: 81 min
Countries: France, Belgium
Year: 2014
-A kaleidoscopic look at the last day of Italian filmmaker Pier Paolo Pasolini in 1975.
-Director: Abel Ferrara
Script: Maurizio Braucci, d’après une idée de Abel Ferrara et Nicola Tranquillino
Image: Stefano Falivene
Sound: Julien Momenceau, Sylvia Moraes et Thomas Gauder
Decors: Igor Gabriel
Costumes: Rossano Marchi
Editing: Fabio Nunziata
Pier Paolo Pasolini : Willem Dafoe
Ninetto Davoli : Riccardio Scarmacio
Nico Naldini : Valerio Mastandrea
Susanna Pasolini : Adriana Asti
Laura Betti : Maria de Medeiros
Produced by Thierry Lounas (Capricci Production – FR), Conchita Airoldi, Joseph Rouschop (Tarantula – BE) and Urania Picture
International Sales : Funny Balloons
-Toronto International Film Festival
San Sebastian International Film Festival
New York International Film Festival
Busan International Film Festival
London International Film Festival
-“His Pasolini is terrific (…) It’s profane and it’s precious and it glows like the moon.”
Xan Brooks / The Guardian
“Ferrara has come up with something pretty special here: a subtle, seductive, lamp-lit hymn to one artist’s talents from another in the process of rediscovering his own.”
Robbie Collin / The Telegraph