A film by Igor Gabriel & Brecht Goyvaerts, 2019-
Genre: Dark Comedy
Languages: French
Subtitles: xxx
Format: xxx
Sound: xxx
Duration: 8 min
Countries: Belgium
Year: 2019
-Tito, a 18 years old man with deafness, quadrilles the city on his scooter. He resells old electric cables pilfered on building sites. Tito does the job but it’s his father, Stipè, 58 years old, who pockets the profits. In exchange, Stipè inculcates selective sorting in the hard way. After the harassment and humiliation, Tito has come for the hour of revenge inspired by his father’s bad manners.
-Director: Igor Gabriel & Brecht Goyvaerts
Screenplay: Igor Gabriel
Image: Brecht Goyvaerts
Sound: Céline Bodson
Production Designer: Paul Rouschop
Costumes: Lena Rouschop
Make-up: Charlotte Durieux
Editing: xxx
Music: The Welders
Set photographer : Michael Briglio
Cast: Axel Capite, Fabian Marnette, Mireille Bailly
Produced by Tarantula Belgique.
-Igor Gabriel has been working for many years as a production designer and has worked on many projects at Tarantula. He also worked on a large part of the Dardenne brothers’ films. The filmmaking community gave him the desire to be the author of his project and with the help of Brecht Goyvaerts, met on the set of “Cleo”, to carry the realisation.
Since 2012, Antwerp’s Brecht Goyvaerts is director of photography over several short films and TV shows. In 2017, he works on “Cleo” from Eva Cools and “Bastaard” from Mathieu Mortelmans. By getting involved upon “Scraphead”, he’s making his first film.