Se crasher pour exister
A film by Julien Henry, 2022-
Genre: Documentary
Language: French
Subtitles: Dutch, English
Format: HD
Sound: 5.1.
Running time: 65′
Country: Belgium
Year: 2023
-On a speedway lost on the border between Flanders and France, Alizée is a racing driver, just like her boyfriend, her father, her mother and soon her little brother. On Sundays, she unplugs her brain and steps on the accelerator to let off steam and become a heroine for a day, a race or a crash. But the circuit that has brought the community together for the last 40 years has to close due to administrative problems. How will Alizée and the community live without their reason for existing?
-Director : Julien Henry
Image: Jorge Piquer Rodrigues, Colin Lévêque, Joaquim Philippe, Samuel Esselinckx, Fabien Croguennec, Benjamin Morel
Sound : Luis Trinques, Bruno Schweisguth, Robin De Carvalho Coomans
Editor: Cédric Zoenen
Associate editor : John Pirard
Sound editor : Corinne Dubien
Mix : François Aubinet
Music : Clémence Ducreux
Coproduction : Toast Prod
Distributor : Screenbox
-After ten years’ experience directing television, mini-dramas, advertising and music videos, Julien turned to storytelling and the exploration of games with the award-winning short films “Lynx” and “La pote d’un pote”, and a feature-length film project in the writing stage supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation: Bangers. In 2022, he directed the documentary “Se crasher pour exister”, also supported by the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles and co-produced by RTBF, Be-Tv and RTS.